Gallery of Epoxy Floor Coating Failures
An F16 parked on top of the most chemically-complex substance ever created, concrete.
An F16 parked on top of the most chemically-complex substance ever created, concrete.
A peeling coating that exhibits why. Notice the white salts along the border of the coating and across the surface. As salts in solution begin to dry out at the surface, they expand and create a bond breaker.
Another illustration of how how alkali salts aroud the edges of these opened holes is left behind as the moisture evaporates out of the surface.
Most coating failures may be a result of being "100% solid" epoxy, which has zero elastomeric coefficient. The slab expands and contracts with thermal changes, but this kind epoxy system cannot.
While thin-mil epoxy floors are excellent, nothing works if you do not prepare the slab correctly. This epoxy peeled right off the hard, steel trowel surface finish of this slab.
Epoxy is tough, durable and highly chemically resistant, but if formulated not to stretch with normal thermal changes in the slab, it can fail.
When an epoxy floor has distress, it is often widespread and homogeonous.
The slick, clean surface of the slab visible in the peeled-up area did not offer the epoxy anything substantial to anchor onto.
Most commercial 100% solid epoxy coatins cure very quickly. All slabs have macro voids or pin holes that can out-gas. This epoxy hardened before it had a chance to revulcanize into the voids.
Contaminants left on the slab are sometimes the cause of issues, not merely moisture.
When the slab surface is nearing zero-permeability, moisture collecting in the surface of the slab can cause deleterious chemical reactions in the slab, known as Near Surface Alkali-Silica Reaction, destroying floors.
Not everything is blamed on moisture. The bumps you see here are shot-blasting beebee's that the applicator just rolled over and into the coating, and rusted in time.
A green safety strip coating fails at a busy production plant. Notice the color patchwork, from the several attempts to keep on covering a damp slab.
Moisture carries alkaline salts with it to the surface. This clear thin mil coating showing subeffloresence at its best.
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